Protecting your Drives and Motors with Line Reactor Is Possible

Motors and drives are the sensitive areas since spikes and high current can cause damage to devices and shorter their lifespan. You can protect them, though. Suppliers of line and load reactors in India suggest using reactors to resist current fluctuation, hinder spikes and high current, and prevent short circuit. Reactors are made for three-phase power transformer; however, you can still find a few designs for single phase power transformer.


All equipments run on electricity require regular cleaning and consistent power for continuous performance. When there is a power distortion between VFDs and motors, you can expect equipment damage; which eventually affect productivity and lower profitability.




Reactor is an inductor which is simply a coiled wire that enables magnetic field to cover the coil when electric current flows through it. If the coil loops are more in number, it brings higher inductance rating. Manufacturers usually add a ferrous metal as a core to the winding, for example iron. This helps make inductor more effective. Reactors are applied to both VFDs input and output for different reasons.


Line and load reactors are on the line side of VFD. They protect the drive from spikes during when it is close to the power source. The reactors can also lower the effects of harmonics over drive. They can filter pulse distortion and make drive work smoother and protect all PLCs and integrated computers.


Load reactors are on the load side of the drive or at the motor input. Just like with drives, reactors can protect drives from spikes and high current and also counteract harmonics. Motors are at high risk of wear as these are separated from drives by substantial distances, which create chances for larger peaks. These peaks are responsible for motor wearing at faster rate and can result in system damage.


Where to get line and load reactors?


If you live in India, you can find some of the suppliers in Gujarat, Rajkot, and Vadodara. While the list is huge, you can take help of online directories and reviews about the dealer. Make sure you don’t sign any contract before seeing the quality of the product.


Good quality line and load reactors are recommended to protect your power transformers. If quality of the reactors is compromised, the transformer will be at risk of failure. You can avoid transformer failure with right line and load reactor choice. Many suppliers are dealing in line and load reactors across India at best discounted rates.

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