Five Ways To Make Sure The Good News About Your Hotel Spreads

Running a hotel, B&B, hostel or any hospitality business is not easy. You need to make sure you’re ever sourcing more customers for your business. This, as well as making sure you’re delivering excellent service. Of course, these two aspects can often be one and the same. We’re going to look at how you make more people see your business and want to stay in it. This means not only looking at how you market and find those customers. It also means how you make sure your customers are saying the right stuff about it. Usually by giving them all the best stuff to say.


Your online presence


Being visible online can be a double-edged sword for anyone in the hospitality industry. On one hand, you can take a more proactive approach to marketing. On the other, you can open to very public negativity. If you can bear the brunt of that, you can use your online presence to all kinds of benefits. Linking with local businesses can be the best way to give your place a new level of networking that will drive more business your way.


Using your customers


The guest book is a great way to get a bit of feedback and see how you’re doing with your customers. Though, if someone has really, truly loved their stay, is it the best way to capitalise? Why not use that customer to draw more in? We’re talking about the power of the testimonial. People love sharing their opinion, so get in touch with those who have particularly enjoyed their stay. They’ll give you something in return you’ll want to keep on the front page of your website.


Free-ish PR


If you’re having trouble getting that word of mouth going, how about you use some that you find yourself? Travel bloggers are always looking for experiences to write about. Just like your hotel or B&B. Some of these bloggers might want paid to stay. But so long as you’re providing a free bed and meal, many will do it for free. Find the influencers and make sure they have the best stay possible.




So, how do you make sure your customers have only the best stuff to say about you? The key is in the service. Firstly, the convenience. There’s nothing worse than a hotel that doesn’t function. You will want to over-function. Make sure bathrooms and bedrooms are fully fitted. Take as much weight off your guests as possible by getting things like bellman carts online. Do everything you can to make their stay as little effort on their end as possible.




You’re in the hospitality industry, so of course hospitality is going to play a key part. First and foremost, know your customers. Know the area and why people might be in town. If you can offer extra bits of help to accommodate their specific reasons, they will love you for it. Address complaints quickly, not begrudgingly. No-one likes hearing negative things about their service. Still, if you tackle them as improvements to be made, customers will be less likely to think you stubborn or unreliable.


This article is written by Adam Smith a blogger and writer and also Associated with aaswad exports leading private label food manufacturers.

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